These are very powerful students of magical destruction. The mage has to rely on his mind - not his body, and so has become
dedicated to magical pursuits. 

Class Bonus: Chance for bonus damage on fire based magic starting at level 30.

Stat adjustments (gained per level):
Hit : 100%
Mana: 150%
Move: 100%

THAC0 = 30.5 - (LEVEL * 1/3)

Class has the following proficiencies:

 1  magic missile(99%)  2  detect invis(99%)  2  detect magic(99%)
 2  slash(99%)  3  pierce(99%)  3  bludgeon(99%)
 4  chill touch(99%)  4  invisibility(99%)  5  armor(99%)
 6  locate object(99%)  7  burning hands(99%)  7  strength(99%)
 8  blindness(99%)  9  phase door(99%) 10  shocking grasp(99%)
10  ventriloquate(99%) 10  hold person(99%) 11  improved invis(99%)
12  enchant weapon(99%) 13  lightning bolt(99%) 14  charm person(99%)
15  energy drain(99%) 15  sleep(99%) 15  teleport self(99%)
16  colour spray(99%) 17  dispel hold(99%) 18  curse(99%)
19  fireball(99%) 20  mordenk sword(99%) 21  haste(99%)
23  magic resist(99%) 25  teleport group(99%) 26  identify(99%)
27  succor(99%) 29  darksight(99%) 30  firelance(99%)
32  magic immune(99%) 36  firestorm(99%)